Welcome to the 2011 LoneStar Speedway Sprint Nationals Registration & Information Website, Sponsored in part by
Smiley's Racing Products , The Oil Medics  , KJC Auto Title Loans , Eagle Motorsports, Palm Harbor Homes, Outlaw Wings , Bishop
Racing Components, Kear's Speed Shop , DAY Motorsports & ABC Auto Parts! Click Navigation Buttons Above or Below for Driver
Registration, Host Hotels, Event Info & Much More. For sponsorship inquiries or questions, feel free to email Darin at:
Oct. 13-15 Final 131-Car LoneStar Sprint Nat’ls Entry List; Latest News

Kilgore TX (10/11/11) by DarinShort.com. A good ol’ fashioned weekend of Sprint
Car racing is will take place this weekend in the $12,000 to win LoneStar Sprint
Nationals at LoneStar Speedway. The weather forecast is looking stellar, with
daytime highs in the mid-80’s and no precipitation predicted; and 131 total sprint
teams from 16 states plus Canada have entered early.

The October 13-15th LoneStar Sprint Nationals (LSN), is presented by Smiley's
Racing Products, The Oil Medics, Eagle Motorsports, KJC Auto Title Loans,
Outlaw Wings, Bishop Racing Components, Kear’s Speed Shop, DAY
Motorsports and Palm Harbor Homes it will be held at LoneStar Speedway in
Kilgore Texas.

Complete event details are located at  at this site and here is some top-line FAQ’s
regarding the LSN both race teams and race fans:


-Tickets are not sold until race night. A three-day adult grandstand pass is
available for a very affordable $40. Individual night adult tickets are $15 each on
Oct. 13-14 and $20 for Saturday night’s championship Oct. 15. No outside food or
drink are allowed into the grandstand area, an extensive amount of family-
affordable food and drink options are available, as well as beer sales.
-Spectator gates open at 5pm nightly with racing at 7pm. FanFest will be held in
the pit area from 3pm-4:45pm on Saturday and is free admittance to all who attend.

-Camping and lodging details are located at the fan/hotel link

-A LSN event “build up” page containing all of the latest in pictures, video clips
and more can be accessed by clicking
here - and this page will continue to grow
as the latest info hub for the race weekend, as driver interviews and video clips of
racing action will be posted there.


-Sprint division drivers not yet entered can do so upon their arrival at the track on
race night. Visit the event website for details. The RaceSaver® Sprint division is
closed to further entries.

-The pits open at 3pm on Thursday, and Sam will be parking teams upon their
arrival throughout the day. The pits will close from 2:45pm until they are cleared,
and will reopen at 3pm with the draw-in to follow. There is no draw fee for any
competitors throughout the weekend, but each team must rent a transponder
from the track for $20 (covers the whole weekend). RACECeivers are required for
all competitors, and must be in good working order. The draw closes at 6:30pm

-All teams are urged to read the rules/format page on the event website prior to
their arrival so they are familiar with how the event will be run.

CLICK HERE for complete 131-car entry list.

A Race Fan's Webpage Now Up For LoneStar Sprint Nationals‏

If you'd like to see the behind the scenes 'build up' to the Oct. 13-15 LoneStar
Sprint Nationals, a new webpage is now coming together.

Drivers that have pre-registered are starting to send in their pictures and even
video clips of exactly what they are doing right now in preparations for next
week's event.

This unique behind the scenes view already has driver entries from NM, TX and
AR; and more content will be added as drivers submit it.

Then, next week as the race unfolds, the same page will be used to host driver
interviews, race video clips and more.

Again, the page is just now coming together, so you will want to check it out often
to see the latest updates and driver submissions.

The page also has a navigation bar that connects to the entire event website
including event flyer, host hotels, camping info, driver pre-entries, sponsors &
much more.

Please click:
http://www.darinshort.com/SCNpics.html and bookmark it so you
stay in the loop of all the LoneStar Sprint Nationals happenings...and enjoy!

Two Weeks until LoneStar Sprint Nationals; Event Updates

Kilgore TX (9/27/11) by DarinShort.com. A good ol’ fashioned weekend of Sprint
Car racing is now on the horizon. There are several news items for the October 13-
15th LoneStar Sprint Nationals (LSN), presented by Smiley's Racing Products,
The Oil Medics, Eagle Motorsports, KJC Auto Title Loans, Outlaw Wings, Bishop
Racing Components, Kear’s Speed Shop and Palm Harbor Homes at LoneStar
Speedway in Kilgore Texas.

First up is the announcement of another new event sponsor:

DAY Motor Sports has been in business over 35 years serving retail and
wholesale customers alike. They pride themselves in offering the best customer
service in the industry, and even slip in a little "Southern Hospitality" every now
and then. Their facility is stocked full of various products and we welcome the
opportunity to prove our level of service to you. Whether you are a racer,
enthusiast, or retail business, DAY Motor Sports can provide you with vast
inventory to choose from, competitive pricing and impeccable service. Click
//www.DAYmotorsports.com for details.

United States Air Force (USAF) Sponsored Car Running Both LSN Divisions:

The USAF will be kicking off the October 15th championship night with a special
ceremony that will swear in a new group of USAF recruits prior to racing action.
The USAF will have a display area inside the grandstand area that race fans can
talk with their staff members, as well as check out the USAF sponsored sprint car
driven by Kyle McCutcheon of Alamogordo, NM. Kyle will be racing in both the
Sprint Car and RaceSaver® Sprint divisions. To view a picture of the brand new
USAF car,

Latest batch of official LSN driver entries:

Since the last announcement, another six Sprint Division teams have entered the
LSN. The following new Sprint division entries include Brady Bacon of Sapulpa
OK; Thomas & Lou Kennedy of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Jason Johnson of Eunice
LA; Tim Crawley of Benton AR and Mike Goodman of Shawnee OK.
to view the complete 126-sprint car early entry list which includes the
RaceSaver® Sprint division.

Fan news items:

Event t-shirt artwork revealed.
CLICK HERE to view the artwork. The t-shirts will
only be available at the track on race weekend, at an extremely fan friendly price
of just $15! Note that XXL & XXXL sizes are available, but are $18.

There are several vendors at the LoneStar Sprint Nationals that are going to be on
the grandstand side for fans to check out:

Graham Donuts – The Graham brothers are known for things going in circles with
their website, www.PushinTheCushin.com – but they are diversifying their efforts
into a new circled item: donuts. For real, you will be able to buy fresh, warm
donuts at the LSN at their mobile donut making display…how cool is that!

BA Racing Gear – Based out of Kansas City, BA Racing Gear provides fans with a
huge assortment of racing apparel, collectables and related items and they can be
found at many large racing events across the country.

Action T-Shirts – Action is the apparel name behind many of the racing events
across the country, including the LSN. Stop by to check out Norman’s deals on
past event t-shirts, as he’ll be wheelin’ and dealin’ for sure!  Visit www.
ActionTShirts.com for more information.

Arizona Motorsports Promotions – Making the trip down from the Memphis area,
Dearl Gilbert will bring his racing trailer stuffed full of fun items that fans will
snatch up, such as a wide variety of racing apparel, collectibles and kid-friendly

Crazy Bob’s BBQ – Their flagship restaurant location is just two miles away from
the track in Liberty City, but Crazy Bob’s will have a self contained trailer selling
some of their most popular items at the LSN, so race fans can try a variety of food
items over the weekend.

Tony D’s Steak Sandwiches –Area racing promoter/vendor/grilling extraordinaire,
Tony Dycus will be keeping fans fed all weekend long with these tasty, hot off the
grill rib eye steak sandwiches…mmm.

DAK Simulations – Race fans will get their chance behind the wheel of a sprint car
featuring simulated sprint car racing – so come race with the fastest fans in the
stands! DAK is based out of Muncie, Indiana. Click
www.DAKsimulations.com to
learn more about them.

The track is currently wrapping up potential vendor applications for this event.
Vendors such as apparel or racing related memorabilia that are interested in
display space should contact Lisa at hafertepelisa@yahoo.com for more
information. The deadline for vendor requests is Monday, October 3. A vendor
listing will be announced prior to the event so fans can know what to expect.

Driver news items:

Early online registration ends on Monday night October 10th. Only early entered
drivers will be eligible for the two provisional starting positions that will be drawn
by race fans in the stands prior to the race. Plus early registration saves teams
$50 over race night pricing and helps keep race fans knowing who is racing. Visit
the event website to get registered as soon as possible.

The Pit Steward for this event is Greg Holmes. He will be responsible for making
sure the pit activities keep organized and moving along at a lightning fast pace.
Greg will also conduct pit meetings throughout race weekend and coordinate
communications with both scoring and the flagman.

As the race event date approaches, please make sure you have read through the
rules/format page on the event website so you are familiar with how we will be
running the event.
CLICK HERE for the direct link.

Reminder, all race teams will be required to rent transponders from the track on
race weekend ($20 covers the whole weekend). This will ensure your team being
scored properly each time your car hits the track and keep the program moving
along as quick as possible. Fully operational RACECeivers are also required in all
drivers’ helmets. RACECeivers help the track line up cars much faster, informs
drivers of crashes and also keep the show moving along as quickly as possible.
A limited amount of RACECeivers will be available for purchase from the
racetrack for $110. Also note there is no draw fee for the competitors on Thursday
or Friday night.

Also note that grooving or siping of tires is allowed for this event, at the race team’
s discretion.

We are very thankful to the following sponsors for their support of the 2011
LoneStar Sprint Nationals. It has helped us to put together a large event in its first
year - please remember to support businesses that support auto racing:

www.SmileysRacing.com - Smiley's Racing Products and Hoosier Tire Southwest
has been in the racing business since 1968 serving racers with everything they
need to hit the track. Click this link to find out why racers nationwide choose

www.TheOilMedics.com - The Oil Medics is a truly proactive maintenance
services company, and offers Truck Services without the expense or wait of a
dealer. The Oil Medics are located at 2591 NE 28th Street Fort Worth, TX 76111
(Inside the Texas 150 Business Park).

www.EagleMotorsports.com - Eagle Motorsports' has been building
championship winning cars since 1998. Including 4 410 Knoxville Nationals, 7 360
Knoxville Nationals, 9 All Stars titles, the 2011 World Series Sprint title and 6
USAC non-winged titles...for a winning car, call them today! Eagle Motorsports
has also sweetened the pot for their Sprint Car division chassis customers at the
LoneStar Sprint Nationals: The top finishing Eagle on Thurs/Fri will each receive
a $150 product certificate towards any purchase of Eagle products. However, if
they win the A-feature, that amount becomes $250/night. On Saturday night, the
top finishing Eagle Motorsports chassis customer will receive $300 towards any
purchase of Eagle products. If they win the championship A-feature, it will
become $600!

www.KJC123.com - At KJC, we know sometimes life can throw you a curve ball,
and you may need cash right now. With over 50 locations throughout Texas to
serve you; with KJC it's as easy as 1-2-3 to put much needed cash in your hands
- now! KJC Auto Title Loans is also the sponsor of the Saturday Championship
night Sprint Car Division B feature #1 & 2, which has enabled us to pay those
drivers not qualifying for the feature race a decent payday, even though they
didn't make the big show - thanks to KJC Auto Title Loans! KJC Auto Title Loans
is also a weekend proud sponsor of sprint car division driver Terry McCarl; wish
him the best of luck at the LoneStar Sprint Nationals!

www.PalmHarbor.com/racing - As a proud sponsor of Michael “Spike” Lang,
driver for theLang14.com Sprint Car, Palm Harbor is excited to work with the
LoneStar team to create a fabulous Family Fun Night! Join us at our huge display
behind the grandstands! Palm Harbor Homes is the nation's leading builder in
modular and manufactured home construction. We are also proud to sell, finance
and insure the finest manufactured homes and modular homes available in
America today.

www.OutlawWings.com - Outlaw Wings (formally Airflow Racing Products)
produces high performance racing wings for dirt racers all over the world. When
down force is the name of the game, Outlaw Wings has the wing you need!
Outlaw Wings is sponsoring the Friday night RaceSaver Sprint division and will
award the winner with an Outlaw nose wing! They will also in the pits with Outlaw
Wings products on display and for sale.

www.BishopRacingComponents.com - Bishop Racing Components has been a
family owned company since opening nearly 25 years ago. Every employee of
BRC either owns, drives, or works on a race car. We strive to give you the best
products available at the best prices with the best customer service possible...
which is why we are constantly out searching and testing new products, so you
get the best product for your money! Make sure to visit their trailer in the LoneStar
pit area as they are bringing their AFCO shock dyno and rebuilding system as
well as selling race parts!

www.KearsSpeedShop.com – Kear’s Speed Shop of Tiffin, Ohio is synonymous
with sprint car racing and has serviced racers for over 40 years. Kear’s will be
bringing their track support parts truck. They service a wide range of chassis
brands; and if you need something specific brought to the LSN, it is
recommended that you call in your order ahead of time and they will be glad to
bring it.

If your company is interested in becoming involved with this event as a marketing
partner or sponsor, email Darin at dssm93@msn.com for more information. Click
www.LoneStarSpeedway.com for track details and visit www.darinshort.
com/SCN.html for complete LoneStar Sprint Nationals event website, Sprint
division registration and flyer.

This event has all the makings of becoming an instant fall classic, so make plans
now to join us October 13th – 15th at the LoneStar Sprint Nationals!

Latest LoneStar Sprint Nationals Updates; Entries Reach 120 Mark

Kilgore TX (9/7/11) by DarinShort.com. There are several news items for the
October 13-15th LoneStar Sprint Nationals (LSN), presented by Smiley's Racing
Products, The Oil Medics, Eagle Motorsports, KJC Auto Title Loans and Palm
Harbor Homes at LoneStar Speedway in Kilgore Texas.

First up is the announcement of three new event sponsors:

Outlaw Wings (formally Airflow Racing Products) produces high performance
racing wings for dirt racers all over the world. When down force is the name of the
game, Outlaw Wings has the wing you need. Outlaw Wings is sponsoring the
Friday night RaceSaver® Sprint division and will award the winner with an Outlaw
nose wing. Click
www.outlawwings.com for more information.

Bishop Racing Components has been a family owned company since opening
nearly 25 years ago. Every employee of BRC either owns, drives, or works on a
race car. They strive to give you the best products available at the best prices
with the best customer service possible...which is why they are constantly out
searching and testing new products, so you get the best product for your money!
Make sure to visit their trailer in the LoneStar pit area as they are bringing their
AFCO shock dyno and rebuilding system. Visit
com to learn more about them.

Kear’s Speed Shop of Tiffin, Ohio is synonymous with sprint car racing and has
serviced racers for over 40 years. Kear’s will be bringing their track support parts
truck. They service a wide range of chassis brands; and if you need something
specific brought to the LSN, it is recommended that you call in your order ahead
of time and they will be glad to bring it. Click
http://www.kearsspeedshop.com for

Fans will be treated to great racing announcers throughout LSN weekend:

Bill Wright, AKA “Bill W,” of Monroe Iowa will be providing the call for the Sprint
division. Bill W will also conduct the competitors draw-in for both the Sprint and
RaceSaver® divisions. He has been on the media side of the sport for 14 years as
a journalist, website editor, broadcaster and announcer.  His weekly 'Knoxville
News' recap can be found on racing sites worldwide.  Bill W is one of the voices
of HoseheadsRadio.com, which has broadcast all the shows from the Knoxville
Raceway as well as the Short Track Nationals in Little Rock the last several years.

“I’ve always wanted see a race at LoneStar Speedway,” says Bill.  “The LoneStar
Sprint Nationals is the perfect chance to come down, and I appreciate the
opportunity they’ve given me to be a part of it all.  We’ll see an incredible field of
sprint drivers battle it out over three days on a high-banked 3/8 mile – it doesn’t
get much better than that!” LoneStar Speedway is very excited to have Bill W on
hand, which will further enhance the race fan's overall experience while at the

Calling the RaceSaver® sprint car division portion of the weekend's events will be
the voice of LoneStar Speedway, Kenny Tynan, who is well known to the Ark-La-
Tex area race fans. He has been involved in the racing community as either a
promoter, radio racing show host or announcer the past 35 years. This is Kenny’s
final year of working in the sport.

Kenny comments “The LoneStar Speedway fan base is a very loyal and
supportive group. Every one of them that I’ve talked to is super charged for this
race – as am I. They’re also looking forward to meeting the throngs of out of area
fans and race teams.” Kenny adds: “Looking down from the announcers stand to
witness a sea of sprint cars as far as the eye can see is going to be a stunning
site to behold. I’m counting down the days until the engines fire off!”

For those race fans not able to witness the action in person, Scott Traylor and
Kirk Elliott with www.racinboys.com will be providing a free live audio webcast of
all three nights racing action. Racinboys™ is based out of the Kansas City area
and provides the racing community with the latest in auto racing news, live radio
shows and much more. Please visit their website to see why Racinboys™ is one
of the most popular online racing sites on the web!

Latest batch of official LSN driver entries:

There are currently drivers from 13 states entered at this year’s LSN. In addition to
the previously announced 106 confirmed entries to the LSN (click www.
darinshort.com/SCN.html to view the complete early entry list), the following new
Sprint division entries include “Primetime” Mason Moore of Princeton, CA; Kyle
McCutcheon of Alamogordo, NM; Josh Baughman of Odessa, TX; “The Nixa
Nightmare” Kyle Bellm of Missouri; Austen Wheatley of Lake Stevens, WA; Larry
Howery of Hearne, TX; John Ricketts of Burleson, TX; Johnny Herrera of
Albuquerque; “Blackjack” Brian Brown of Grain Valley, MO and “The Gas Man”
Jack Dover of Springfield, NE.

The RaceSaver® Sprint division of the LSN was closed to further entries earlier in
August after the event received a staggering 68 confirmed teams. Some of the
drivers had mailed their entries in and were not shown on the last round of
entries, and those drivers include Kyle McCutcheon of Alamogordo, NM; Marty
Stanford of Trenton, TX; Corey Minor of Highland Village, TX and Matt Ebarb of
Bossier City, LA.

Fan news items:

An exciting pre-race promotion and ceremony by the United States Air Force will
kick off the start of Championship night on October 15th. Details will be
forthcoming soon, but race fans will want to make sure they are seated in the
grandstands by 7pm to not miss out on what will certainly be a memorable

As a reminder, Fan Fest will take place on Championship night from 3pm-4:45pm;
all race fans are encouraged to come meet with the race teams, get autographs,
apparel and much more – this is a free event to LSN ticket holders.

The R.A.B. (Remembering Alex Brown) “DNT TXT N DRV” traveling information
display and kiosk promoting ‘Don’t Text and Drive’ will be present for fans to visit
with. They will also be handing out R.A.B. wristbands to fans to help support the
“DNT TXT N DRV” movement across the United States. Click
www.rememberalexbrownfoundation.org for more information.

The track is currently processing potential vendor applications for this event.
Vendors such as apparel or racing related memorabilia that are interested in
display space should contact Lisa at hafertepelisa@yahoo.com for more
information. A vendor listing will be announced prior to the event so fans can
know what to expect.

Driver news items:

As the race event date approaches, please make sure you have read through the
rules/format page on the event website so you are familiar with how we will be
running the event. Click www.darinshort.com/SCNrules.html for the direct link.

The LSN flagman will be Ronny Goad. Ronny is very well respected with the
sprint teams and is known for consistent and uniform rules enforcement both on
and off the track. Ronny has flagged many large open wheel events, such as the
Cowtown Sprint Nationals, November Sprint Shootout and Cowtown Midget

Reminder, all race teams will be required to rent transponders from the track on
race weekend ($20 for the weekend). This will ensure your team being scored
properly each time your car hits the track and keep the program moving along as
quick as possible.

This event has all the makings of becoming an instant fall classic, so make plans
now to join us October 13th – 15th at the LoneStar Sprint Nationals!

43 New LoneStar Sprint Nationals Entries Arrive

Kilgore, TX (8/15/11) by DarinShort.com. Two weeks ago online registration
launched for the October 13-15th LoneStar Sprint Nationals, presented by
Smiley's Racing Products, The Oil Medics, Eagle Motorsports, KJC Auto Title
Loans and Palm Harbor Homes at LoneStar Speedway in Kilgore Texas.

43 new drivers have been confirmed in this “second wave” of early entries,
bringing the total Sprint Car count to 106, with 10 states represented. There are
eight additional driver entries received but they are mailing in payments, and their
names do not appear on the list at this time. Online registration for the Sprint Car
division is ongoing, however entries to the RaceSaver® Sprint Car division
closed on August 7th.

Please click www.darinshort.com (then select the LoneStar link on the
homepage) for more event information, or to get registered. We will update this list
in the weeks to come, including a final entry list, which will be published on
Tuesday, October 11th.

A reminder, this event is not a “split field qualifying” format. In other words,
entries will be allowed to compete in either, or both, of the qualifying nights
without any penalty to the team. The driver’s best qualifying night will be used to
determine their Saturday point’s total and feature race starting positions.

Registered drivers are urged to read the rules/format page of the event website so
they know how the show will be run.

Race fans: we have four quality host hotels established for the event, please visit
the event website to get yours reserved.

Regarding weather: according to NOAA, the average statistical high temperatures
during these calendar days average 80 degrees, while overnight lows are 62
degrees (which typically occur just before sunrise). This is generally a dry time of
the year, with daily averages of .06” precipitation.

It’s really shaping up to be an instant fall classic, so mark your calendars - as it’s
an event Sprint Car fans will not want to miss!

2011 LoneStar Sprint Car Nationals Early Entries - Oct. 13-15, 2011; as of 8/15/11

CAR #:        SPRINT CAR ENTRIES:        Driver Name/City/State:
23        Jenkins, Junior        Greenville, TX
7m        Ramey, Kevin        Ft. Worth, TX
55        McCarl, Terry        Altoona, IA
15h        Hafertepe Jr., Sam        Sunnyvale, TX
79        Hall, Ryan        Midlothian, TX
33        Huddleston, Mark        Genoa, AR
29        Long, Larry        Crandall, TX
14        Lang, Michael        Mesquite, TX
30        Corn, Brandon        Gause, TX
74e        Estes, Claud        Godley, TX
14b        Byrom, Robert        Ft. Worth, TX
27        Shouse, Andy        Oklahoma City, OK
12        Wester, Dale        Ovilla, TX
11        Melton, Justin        Flower Mound, TX
21T        Ray Allen Kulhanek        Conroe, TX
87        Reutzel, Aaron        Clute, TX
17        Griffith, Bruce        Highlands, TX
71x         Tankersley, Channin        Highlands, TX
81        Wood, Danny        Norman, OK
45        Edwards, Martin        Mesquite, TX
4        Baldaccini, Eric        Keller, TX
91        Skinner, Marshal        Olive Branch, MS
20        Wilson, Chad        N. Richland Hills, TX
18        Bruce Jr., Tony        Owasso, OK
c15        Brown, Wayne        Poetry, TX
2        Miller, Wes        Sante Fe, TX
17w        Welborn, Brad        Princeton, TX
29        Rilat, Travis        Forney, TX
35        Rilat, Greg        Texas City, TX
16        Adams, Koty        Doyline, LA
36        Pate, John        Angleton, TX
11c        Covington, Matt        Glenpool, OK
3        Wood Jr., Joe        Oklahoma City, OK
58        Floyd, Gary        San Angelo, TX
1x        Taylor, Gary        Snohomish, WA
6        Beechler, Ryan        McKinney, TX
31        Berryman, Brandon        Missouri City, TX
45k        Walker, Kolt        Graham, TX
10        White, George        Ft. Worth, TX
51        Smith, Beau        Texas City, TX
8        Kearney, John II        El Paso, TX

CAR #:        RaceSaver® SPRINT ENTRIES:        Driver Name/City/State:
28        Forbis, David        Bossier City, LA
71        Hamilton, Dan        Tyler, TX
3        Culp, Raven        Seagoville, TX
311        McCarl, Neil        Haughton, LA
v8        Vetter, Robert        Wolf City, TX
95        Day, Jeff        Greenville, TX
79        McDonald, Charlie        Midlothian, TX
1m        Long, Larry        Crandall, TX
13        Witt, Justin        Bossier City, LA
14        Lang, Michael        Mesquite, TX
30c        Corn, Chevy        Gause, TX
24        Gailley, David        Forney TX
80        Hawkins, Josh        Whitehouse, TX
30        Hawkins, Regan        Whitehouse, TX
44        Howell, Jason        Ft. Worth, TX
41        Merrell, Danny        Ft. Worth, TX
77        Sturgeon, Keith        Ft. Worth, TX
228        Hinton, Casey        Duberly, LA
2x        Doughty, Tucker        Heath, TX
7        Robbins, Cody        Mansfield, LA
12        Wester, Dale        Ovilla, TX
11        Melton, Justin        Flower Mound, TX
2        Clement, Shane        Bonham, TX
83        Freeman, Jon        Georgetown, TX
22        Thornton, Shannon         Wylie, TX
49        Johnson, Ty        Eunice, LA
18        Randall, Jon        West, TX
11B        Bridges, Bruce        Weatherford, TX
57        Enright, Russel        Tyler, TX
1x        Doughty, Chase        Waxahachie, TX
53        Mayfield, Brent        Waxahachie, TX
19        Elliott, Steven        San Angelo, TX
31        Haviland, Stace        San Angelo, TX
30s        Gloeckler, Shane        Joshua, TX
45        Edwards, Martin        Mesquite, TX
73        Page, Billy        Mineola, TX
20        George, Mike        N. Richland Hills, TX
2$        Smith, Jay        San Angelo, TX
24        Yarbrough, Matt        Carrollton, TX
69        Fielder, Brian        Ft. Worth, TX
01        Bartchy, Greg        Benton, LA
99        Herring, Mike        Flower Mound, TX
29        Rilat, Travis        Forney, TX
16        Adams, Koty        Doyline, LA
84        Garland, David        Irving, TX
7m        Ramey, Kevin        Ft. Worth, TX
0        Mills, Ross        Kilgore, TX
88        Hinton, Cody        Joshua, TX
6v        Harger, Cody        W. Monroe, LA
8a        Myers, Alan        Sibley, LA
8        Myers, Ray        Sibley, LA
48        Moore, Nathan        Lindale, TX
b51        Brown Jr., Johnnie        Orange, TX
17t        Taylor, Jeff        Cherry Hill, NJ
224        Bell Jr., Jim        Duwey, OK
12b        Hargroder, Marty        Opelousas, LA
44a        Harris, Darren        Scott, LA
17        Pack, Mike        Batesville, AR
1s        Reneau, Scott        Trinidad, TX
25        Mayfield, Sean        Waco, TX
92        Reed, James        Wills Point, TX
69        Henderson, Rodney        Gun Barrel City, TX
26        Steed, Dalton        Kennedale, TX
15hb        Bloxom, Hunter        Mesquite, TX
8        Kearney, John II        El Paso, TX

Race teams: please let us know if any of your information shown here is
incorrect, by emailing Darin at dssm93@msn.com and we will get it corrected.
Thank you again for your support of this event.

LoneStar Sprint Nationals RaceSaver® Sprint Division Entries Now Closed

Kilgore TX (8/7/11), by DarinShort.com. As of Sunday afternoon, August 7th,
RaceSaver® Sprint division entries to the Oct. 13-15 LoneStar Sprint Nationals
have closed.

More than 60 RaceSaver® Sprint teams are now registered and we will be
publishing their final entry list in the days to come.

A quickly growing field of Sprint Car division teams have also entered...right at 40
at the time of this writing. Those early entries will also be posted in the days to
come. And after Knoxville is over, another wave of those entries will come in, as
many of those drivers are there and concentrating on the business at hand.

We would like to once again thank all of those teams for standing behind this
special event and we're proud to be able to host it.

For those teams missing out for this year's event, it's possible that next year we
may adjust the format to accomodate more RaceSaver® Sprint teams. A decision
on next year's event will most likely be published during the off season.

For complete LoneStar Sprint Nationals information, click http://www.DarinShort.
com and there you will find the LoneStar link that will connect you to the event

LoneStar Sprint Nationals Capping Off Entries in RaceSaver® Division

KILGORE TX (8/5/11) by DarinShort.com. The $100,000 LoneStar Sprint Nationals
at LoneStar Speedway set for October 13-15 is quickly growing into three very full
nights of sprint car-only racing due to the tremendous response of early entries
received by the speedway.

Early registration to the event has only been open for one week, but there have
already been over 90 total sprint car entries received; of which 50 are in the
RaceSaver® Sprint division.

Due to the huge response, LoneStar Speedway officials are going to cap
RaceSaver® Sprint division entries to the event at 60.

If, and when, the event website receives 10 more paid entries, RaceSaver® Sprint
division entries to this year’s event will be final and closed.

LoneStar Sprint Nationals official Darin Short comments: “LoneStar Speedway
fans really enjoy the RaceSaver® Sprint division. We wanted to provide area
teams with a multi-day event they can be a part of. We knew the driver support
would be solid – but the response has been amazing. In the interest of our fans
and keeping this first annual event manageable, Sam Hafertepe and I have
determined that capping RaceSaver® Sprint entries at 60 will give the fans a great
3-night show and allow race officials to keep everything moving along for both
the RaceSaver® Sprint division and the Sprint Car division.”

Short adds: "We had the provision of capping entries on the website rules since
registration launched last week, but we didn't anticipate crossing that bridge so
early in the process."

For complete event information including registration, click www.DarinShort.com
and then select the LoneStar link from the homepage. For track information, visit

First Wave of LoneStar Sprint Nationals Entries Have Arrived

Kilgore, TX (7/30/11) by DarinShort.com. It’s been two short days since online
registration launched for the October 13-15th LoneStar Sprint Nationals,
presented by Smiley's Racing Products, The Oil Medics, Eagle Motorsports, KJC
Auto Title Loans and Palm Harbor Homes at LoneStar Speedway in Kilgore Texas.
Although it’s been two short days, a long list of Sprint Car drivers have registered
their team for the event.

At the time of this writing, below is the complete 63-car “first wave” early-early
entry list to the event. Online registration is ongoing at this point.

Please click www.darinshort.com (then select the LoneStar link on the
homepage) for more event information, or to get registered. We will update this list
in the weeks to come, including a final entry list, which will be published on
Tuesday, October 11th.

It’s really shaping up to be an instant fall classic, so mark your calendars - as it’s
an event Sprint Car fans will not want to miss!

2011 LoneStar Sprint Car Nationals Early Entries - Oct. 13-15, 2011
As of 7/30/11                 

CAR #:        SPRINT CAR ENTRIES:        Driver Name/City/State:
23        Jenkins, Junior        Greenville, TX
7m        Ramey, Kevin        Ft. Worth, TX
55        McCarl, Terry        Altoona, IA
15h        Hafertepe, Jr. Sam        Sunnyvale, TX
79        Hall, Ryan        Midlothian, TX
33        Huddleston, Mark        Genoa, TX
29        Long, Larry        Crandall, TX
14        Lang, Michael        Mequite, TX
30        Corn, Brandon        Hearne, TX
74e        Estes, Claud        Godley, TX
14b        Byrom, Robert        Ft. Worth, TX
27        Shouse, Andy        Oklahoma City, OK
12        Wester, Dale        Ovilla, TX
11        Melton, Justin        Flower Mound, TX
21T        Ray Allen Kulhanek        Conroe, TX
87        Reutzel, Aaron        Clute, TX
17        Griffith, Bruce        Highlands, TX
71x         Tankersley, Channin        Highlands, TX
81        Wood, Danny        Norman, OK
45        Edwards, Martin        Mesquite, TX
8        Kearney, John II        El Paso, TX
4        Baldaccini, Eric        Keller, TX
91        Skinner, Marshall        West Memphis, AR

CAR #:        RACESAVER SPRINT ENTRIES:        Driver Name/City/State:
28        Forbis, David        Bossier City, LA
71        Hamilton, Dan        Tyler, TX
3        Culp, Raven        Seagoville, TX
311        McCarl, Neil        Haughton, LA
v8        Vetter, Robert        Wolf City, TX
95        Day, Jeff        Greenville, TX
228        Hinton, Clint        Haughton, LA
79        McDonald, Charlie        Midlothian, TX
1m        Long, Larry        Crandall, TX
13        Witt, Justin        Bossier City, LA
14        Lang, Michael        Mesquite, TX
30c        Corn, Chevy        Hearne, TX
24        Gailley, David        Garland, TX
80        Hawkins, Josh        Whitehouse, TX
30        Hawkins, Regan        Whitehouse, TX
44        Howell, Jason        Ft. Worth, TX
41        Merrill, Danny        Ft. Worth, TX
77        Sturgeon, Keith        Ft. Worth, TX
228        Hinton, Casey        Duberly, LA
2x        Doughty, Tucker        Heath, TX
7        Robbins, Cody        Mansfield, LA
12        Wester, Dale        Ovilla, TX
11        Melton, Justin        Flower Mound, TX
2        Freeman, Darrell        Georgetown, TX
83        Freeman, Jon        Georgetown, TX
22        Thornton, Shannon         Wylie, TX
TBA        TBA        Eunice, LA
18        Randall, Jon        West, TX
11B        Bridges, Bruce        Weatherford, TX
57        Enright, Russel        Tyler, TX
1x        Doughty, Chase        Waxahachie, TX
53        Mayfield, Brent        Waxahachie, TX
19        Elliott, Steven        San Angelo, TX
31        Haviland, Stace        San Angelo, TX
30s        Gloeckler, Shane        Joshua, TX
45        Edwards, Martin        Mesquite, TX
73        Page, Billy        Mineola, TX
8        Kearney, John II        El Paso, TX
17        French, Edd        Colleyville, TX
27        Shouse, Andy        Oklahoma City, OK

Race teams: please let us know if any of your information shown here is
incorrect, by emailing Darin at
dssm93@msn.com and we will get it corrected.
Thank you again for your support of this event.

We are very thankful to the following sponsors for their support of the 2011
LoneStar Sprint Nationals. It has helped us to put together a large event in its first
year - please remember to support businesses that support auto racing:

www.SmileysRacing.com - Smiley's Racing Products and Hoosier Tire Southwest
has been in the racing business since 1968 serving racers with everything they
need to hit the track. Click this link to find out why racers nationwide choose

www.TheOilMedics.com - The Oil Medics is a truly proactive maintenance
services company, and offers Truck Services without the expense or wait of a
dealer. The Oil Medics are located at 2591 NE 28th Street Fort Worth, TX 76111
(Inside the Texas 150 Business Park).

www.EagleMotorsports.com - Eagle Motorsports' been building championship
winning cars since 1998. Including 4 410 Knoxville Nationals, 7 360 Knoxville
Nat'ls, 9 All Stars titles, the 2011 World Series Sprint title and 6 USAC non-winged
titles...for a winning car, call them today! Eagle Motorsports has also sweetened
the pot for their Sprint Car division chassis customers at the LoneStar Sprint
Nationals: The top finishing Eagle on Thurs/Fri will each receive a $150 product
certificate towards any purchase of Eagle products. However, if they win the
feature, that amount becomes $250/night. On Saturday night, the top finishing
Eagle Motorsports chassis customer will receive $300 towards any purchase of
Eagle products. If they win the championship A feature, it will become $600!

www.KJC123.com - At KJC, we know sometimes life can throw you a curve ball,
and you may need cash right now. With over 50 locations throughout Texas to
serve you; with KJC it's as easy as 1-2-3 to put much needed cash in your hands
- now! KJC Auto Title Loans is also the sponsor of the Saturday Championship
night Sprint Car Division B feature #1 & 2, which has enabled us to pay those
drivers not qualifying for the feature race a decent payday, even though they
didn't make the big show - thanks to KJC Auto Title Loans! KJC Auto Title Loans
is also a weekend proud sponsor of sprint car division driver Terry McCarl, wish
him the best of luck at the LoneStar Sprint Nationals!

www.PalmHarbor.com/racing - As a proud sponsor of Michael “Spike” Lang,
driver for theLang14.com Sprint Car, Palm Harbor is excited to work with the
LoneStar team to create a fabulous Family Fun Night! Join us at our huge display
behind the grandstands! Palm Harbor Homes is the nation's leading builder in
modular and manufactured home construction. We are also proud to sell, finance
and insure the finest manufactured homes and modular homes available in
America today.

Registration Now Open For $100,000 LoneStar Sprint Nationals!

Kilgore TX (7/28/11) by DarinShort.com. This coming October 13th through the
15th race fans and race teams will be treated to one of the largest Sprint Car
racing events in Texas State history with the running of the $100,000 LoneStar
Sprint Nationals; and event registration, rules, format, event flyer and much, much
more are available for viewing.

By clicking www.darinshort.com/SCN.html there you will find a complete website
chocked full of all of the LoneStar Sprint Nationals happenings…including the
unique qualifying format.

And as impressive as the purse for this event is: grandstand tickets, pit passes
and entry fees will be at very affordable prices. General admission Adult
grandstand tickets are just $15 on Thursday and Friday night; and just $20 on
Saturday's finale! Plus fans can take advantage of a 3-day general admission
ticket of just $40 upon their arrival at the track on Thursday October 13th. No
advance tickets will be sold.

Teams will want to enter as quickly as possible, as there are approximately 56 pit
spaces in the primary pit area that accommodate teams with lights, PA system
and close access to the track/grandstands…and the first 56 entries will receive
reserved pit parking within those spaces, whether they are a 360 team or a 305

Entries received after reaching the 56 mark will be parked as the track sees fit,
including open trailer teams who will be pitted in the infield of the track.  

Plus there are several fan-friendly components, as this event is designed for the
avid Sprint Car fan.

Thursday night October 13th will be
Smiley's Racing Products Qualifying Night,
featuring a complete program of Sprint Cars paying $2,000 to win plus $500 to win
for 305 Sprints. Smiley's Racing Products and Hoosier Tire Southwest has been
in the racing business since 1968 serving racers with everything they need to hit
the track.

Friday night October 14th will be the
Eagle Motorsports Qualifying Night, featuring
a complete program of Sprint Cars paying $2,000 to win plus $500 to win for 305
Sprints. Eagle Motorsports manufactures top quality Sprint Cars, Midget &
MicroSprint Chassis; and are based out of Springfield, IL.

Saturday night October 15th will be
The Oil Medics Championship Night, with all
drivers competing in A, B and C features. The Oil Medics is a truly proactive
maintenance services company, and offers Truck Services without the expense
or wait of a dealer.

There will be Twin Sprint B-features, which are sponsored in part by
KJC Auto
Title Loans. KJC Auto Title Loans offers quick and hassle-free loans on the spot;
it's as easy as 1-2-3 with KJC!

The 305 Sprint B-feature(s) are sponsored by
Palm Harbor Homes. Palm Harbor
will be on hand to entertain fans with their wildly popular "Spin The Prize Wheel"
promotion and 50/50 ticket bonus promotions...which always lead to big 50/50
ticket drawings for a lucky race fan.

Here are some quick facts for each event:

-Full-field qualifying nights on both Thursday and Friday (Oct. 13-14) for each
Sprint Car division.

-Saturday night (Oct. 15) will be C’s, B’s and Championship A-features in both

-General Admission just $15 (ages 12 and older) on Oct. 13-14; $20 on Oct. 15.

-Kids (ages 6-11) just $5. Ages 5 and under free with Adult admission.

-3-day discounted Adult grandstand pass will be sold at the ticket gate on Oct. 13
(only) for just $40 (that’s under $14/night!)

-Upgrade any ticket to the reserved section (bucket seats) upon your arrival for $5
per person

-Seniors/Military (Ages 65+, General Admission) $13 on Oct. 13-14 and $18 on Oct.

-All Pit Passes $30 on Oct. 13-14; $35 on Oct. 15.

-A 3-day discounted pit pass will be sold online (only) through Oct. 11 for $90.

-Gates open at 5pm, with racing at 7pm each night.

-The information hub for this event, including online registration, lodging
discounts and event flyer is located at:

www.LoneStarSpeedway.com for all track information.

Make your plans now to be a part of the $100,000 LoneStar Sprint Nationals, in
what could be the biggest Sprint Car-only event in Texas state history October 13-
15th, at the Fastest 3/8 Mile Dirt Track in Texas – LoneStar Speedway!